Logging Out- Invalidating Session and Redirect has been edited by Jesse Foster (Jan 29, 2008).

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Add the following to your corresponding WebPage...


Link logoutLink = new Link("my-link-wicket-id") {

	public void onClick() {
		setResponsePage(WhereEverYouWantToRedirect.class); [1]


if you need to redirect to an external webpage...


Link logoutLink = new Link("my-link-wicket-id") {

	public void onClick() {
		getRequestCycle().setRequestTarget( new RedirectRequestTarget("http://www.another-web-site.com") );


[1] it is important to use setResponsePage() variant that takes a page class and not a page instance because a page instance would be stored in session that is now marked for invalidation - thus resulting in a page expired error

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