On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:58AM, Radim Kolar wrote:
> I know that Python compatibility can be worked around. I used Python
> for few years and wrote about 70k LOC in it until it started to
> irritate me that every new version has incompatibilities such as 2.4
> vs 2.3 vs 2.5 and it makes maintaining and testing way harder then
> it should be. Its not just compatibility with missing library
> functions. sometimes even expression evaluated to different value
> under new version. This was similar to php 4 to php 5 migration.
> Today i have 3 versions of python installed because of software
> requirements.
> For simple scripts it can probably work if you stick to some common subset.
> Scripting via maven plugin has advantage that user do not needs to
> install anything, there is couple of languages available: scala,
> groovy, jelly, jruby. Maybe jython too.

pretty much all of the j* in JSR223 land is abomination of one sort or
another, actually :)


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