(initially respond on general@, sorry about that. copied here)

+1 (non-binding)

From my perspective:

* The key feature that will drive me to adopt 2.x is Rolling Upgrades
* In order to get to rolling upgrades, we need a compatibility story that
is significantly better than we have today
** We need a comprehensive definition of what compatibility really means
  ** We need better testing in place to verify we're not breaking
** We need better definition and testing of what rolling upgrades really
means. Rolling between bug-fix releases ­ Required, Rolling between minor
releases ­ Required, Rolling between major releases ­ Desired.
  ** We need work-preserving restart on the YARN side. Restarting jobs
isn't sufficient.
** ...
* Given that Rolling upgrades aren't there yet, and there is still work to
be done to solidify the compatibility story, I'm ok with the feature
window remaining open until these are in place, especially given the fact
that the proposed features are likely to have non-zero impact on
* I'd certainly like a release with rolling upgrades as soon as possible,
so I feel like the feature window needs to ramp down very quickly.
Something like 2.0.5-beta in May with the current list of proposed
features, then 2.0.6-beta in late summer with full rolling upgrade support
and a solid compatibility story, would seem like a reasonable timeline.
Once we have a beta release with rolling upgrades, I can look at pushing
2.x to some of our larger clusters.

Nathan Roberts

On 5/15/13 1:06 PM, "Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli" <vino...@hortonworks.com>

>Seems like you forgot to bcc. Forwarding this to general.
>On May 15, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Arun C Murthy wrote:
>> Folks,
>> A considerable number of people have expressed confusion regarding the
>>recent vote on 2.0.5, beta status etc. given lack of specifics, the
>>voting itself (validity of the vote itself, whose votes are binding) etc.
>> IMHO technical arguments (incompatibility b/w 2.0 & 2.1, current
>>stability of 3 features under debate etc.) have been lost in the
>>discussion in favor of non-technical (almost dramatic) nuances such as
>>"seizing the moment". There is now dangerous talk of tolerating
>>incompatibility b/w 2.0 and 2.1) - this is a red flag for me;
>>particularly when there are just 3 features being debated and active
>>committers and contributors are confident of and ready to stand by their
>>work. All patches, I believe, are ready to be merged in the the next few
>>days per discussions on jira. This will, clearly, not delay the other
>>API work which everyone agrees is crucial. As a result, I feel no
>>recourse but to restart a new vote - all attempts at calm, reasoned,
>>civil discussion based on technical arguments have come to naught - I
>>apologize for the thrash caused to everyone's attention.
>> To get past all of this confusion, I'd like to present an alternate,
>>specific proposal for consideration.
>> I propose we continue the original plan and make a 2.0.5-beta release
>>by May end with the following content:
>> # HDFS-347
>> # HDFS Snapshots
>> # Windows support
>> # Necessary & final API/protocol changes such as:
>> * Final YARN API changes: YARN-386
>> * MR Binary Compatibility: MAPREDUCE-5108
>> * Final RPC cleanup: HADOOP-8990
>> People working on the above features have all expressed considerable
>>comfort with them and are ready to stand-by to help expedite any
>>necessary bug-fixes etc. to get to stabilization quickly. I'm confident
>>we can get this release out by end of May. This sets stage for a
>>hadoop-2.x GA release right after with some more testing - this means I
>>think I can quickly turn around and make bug-fix releases as necessary
>>right after 2.0.5-beta.
>> I request that people consider helping out with this plan and sign up
>>to help push hadoop-2.x to stability as outlined above. I believe this
>>will help achieve our shared goals of quickly stabilizing hadoop-2 and
>>help ensure we can support it for forseeable future in a compatible
>>manner for the benefit of our users and downstream projects.
>> Please vote, the vote will run the normal 7 days. Obviously, I'm +1.
>> thanks,
>> Arun
>> PS: To keep this discussion grounded in technical details I've moved
>>this to dev@ (bcc general@).

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