Hi Guys,


We @ ebay would like to see snapshots before we start testing/deploying
hadoop 2.0 next month.


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Arun C Murthy <a...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> A considerable number of people have expressed confusion regarding the
> recent vote on 2.0.5, beta status etc. given lack of specifics, the voting
> itself (validity of the vote itself, whose votes are binding) etc.
> IMHO technical arguments (incompatibility b/w 2.0 & 2.1, current stability
> of 3 features under debate etc.) have been lost in the discussion in favor
> of non-technical (almost dramatic) nuances such as "seizing the moment".
> There is now dangerous talk of tolerating incompatibility b/w 2.0 and 2.1)
> - this is a red flag for me; particularly when there are just 3 features
> being debated and active committers and contributors are confident of and
> ready to stand by their work. All patches, I believe, are ready to be
> merged in the the next few days per discussions on jira. This will,
> clearly, not delay the other API work which everyone agrees is crucial. As
> a result, I feel no recourse but to restart a new vote - all attempts at
> calm, reasoned, civil discussion based on technical arguments have come to
> naught - I apologize for the thrash caused to everyone's attention.
> To get past all of this confusion, I'd like to present an alternate,
> specific proposal for consideration.
> I propose we continue the original plan and make a 2.0.5-beta release by
> May end with the following content:
> # HDFS-347
> # HDFS Snapshots
> # Windows support
> # Necessary & final API/protocol changes such as:
>  * Final YARN API changes: YARN-386
>  * MR Binary Compatibility: MAPREDUCE-5108
>  * Final RPC cleanup: HADOOP-8990
> People working on the above features have all expressed considerable
> comfort with them and are ready to stand-by to help expedite any necessary
> bug-fixes etc. to get to stabilization quickly. I'm confident we can get
> this release out by end of May. This sets stage for a hadoop-2.x GA release
> right after with some more testing - this means I think I can quickly turn
> around and make bug-fix releases as necessary right after 2.0.5-beta.
> I request that people consider helping out with this plan and sign up to
> help push hadoop-2.x to stability as outlined above. I believe this will
> help achieve our shared goals of quickly stabilizing hadoop-2 and help
> ensure we can support it for forseeable future in a compatible manner for
> the benefit of our users and downstream projects.
> Please vote, the vote will run the normal 7 days. Obviously, I'm +1.
> thanks,
> Arun
> PS: To keep this discussion grounded in technical details I've moved this
> to dev@ (bcc general@).

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