If we're serious about not breaking compatibility after GA, then we need to
slow down and make sure we get these new APIs right, or can add them in a
compatible fashion.

HADOOP-9984 ended up being a bigger change than initially expected, and we
need to break compatibility with out-of-tree FileSystems to do it properly.
I would like to see HADOOP-9972 in as well (globLinkStatus), and there are
open questions on HADOOP-9984 about changing PathFilter and
FileStatus.getPath() semantics (which would be incompatible). Yes, we could
just +1 HADOOP-9984 and stamp 2.2.0 on it, but I think it looks bad to then
immediately turn around and release an incompatible 2.3.

My preference is still for a 2.1.2 with the above API questions resolved,
then an actual API-stable 2.2.0 GA. This is already punting out all the
other related FS/tooling changes that we think can be done compatibly but
are still pretty crucial: shell, distcp, webhdfs, hftp; it'd be great to
get help on any of these.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
> <vino...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
> > +1. We should get an RC as soon as possible so that we can get all the
> downstream components to sign off.
> > The earlier the better.
> On this very note -- would there be any interest in joining efforts
> with the Bigtop integration aimed at Hadoop 2.2.x based release
> of all the Hadoop ecosystem projects?
> Our current plan is to release Bigtop 0.7.0 within a couple of weeks.
> That will be the last stable 2.0.x-based release. Bigtop 0.8.0 is supposed
> to
> be based on Hadoop 2.x that gets us (Bigtop community) as close as possible
> to the Hadoop's GA. Here's more on what we'll be doing with Bigtop 0.8.0:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.apache.incubator.bigtop.devel/10769
> Of course, on the Bigtop side of things we're stuck with all the necessary
> integration work anyway, but if there's anything at all that folks are
> willing
> to help us and the bigger Hadoop community with that would be very
> much appreciated. I think both communities will benefit from this type
> of collaboration.
> On a practical side of things, as soon as the branch for 2.2.0 gets cut
> Bigtop can start publishing a complete set of Hadoop ecosystem
> artifacts built against that particular version and easily install-able
> on all of our supported systems. We can also start publishing VMs
> so that folks on OSes other than Linux can help us with testing.
> Thanks,
> Roman.

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