Dhruba's off in a different timezone. So he might not be able to. I'll ask

Nate, I, and Nemanja will be working on this. We're really hoping the patch
will be living for just a few weeks or a month at most.
Hopefully a good deal of the code we write will be testable so that will
result in some good clean up. Though it won't be a primary top line goal.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Steve Loughran <ste...@hortonworks.com>

> +1 for a branch; ideally not too long lived. Dhruba still has commit
> rights, perhaps he could be persuaded to help with it.
> If you look at the Hadoop code, it's not just network assumptions, it's
> fairly brittle to bad network setup -and not helpful when these situations
> arise. What could be good as part of this/a slideline is to have some entry
> point where you can probe network setup, failing fast (with an error code)
> if a condition isn't met (e.g. the JVM doesn't get an IPv6 address, or its
> address doesn't match that you get when you look up the hostname)
> > On 17 Aug 2015, at 17:04, Elliott Clark <ecl...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > Nate (nkedel) and I have been working on IPv6 on Hadoop and HBase lately.
> > We're getting somewhere but there are a lot of different places that make
> > assumptions about network. That means there will be a good deal of follow
> > on patches as we find more and more places that need some TLC.
> >
> > Would a feature branch be good here so that we can move quickly without
> > hurting stability until all of the issues are done?
> >
> > Thoughts? Comments?
> >
> > Thanks

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