Just to stress on the following, it is very important that any critical 
bug-fixes that we push into 2.8.0 or even trunk, we should consider them for 
2.6.3 and 2.7.3 if it makes sense. This is the only way we can avoid extremely 
long release cycles like that of 2.6.1.

Also, to clarify a little, use Target-version if you want a discussion of the 
backport, but if you do end up backporting patches after that, you should set 
the fix-version to be 2.6.1.


> On Nov 2, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Sangjin Lee <sj...@apache.org> wrote:
> As you may have seen, 2.6.2 is out
> <http://markmail.org/thread/yw53xgz6wzpqnclt>. I have also retargeted all
> open issues that were targeted for 2.6.2 to 2.6.3.
> Continuing the discussion in the email thread here
> <http://markmail.org/thread/ofjlzurok223bzyi>, I'd like us to maintain the
> cadence of monthly point releases in the 2.6.x line. It would be great if
> we can have 2.6.3 released before the year-end holidays.
> If you have any bugfixes and improvements that are targeted for 2.7.x (or
> 2.8) that you think are applicable to 2.6.x, please *set the target version
> to 2.6.3* and merge them to branch-2.6. Please use your judgment in terms
> of the applicability and quality of the changes so that we can ensure each
> point release is consistently better quality than the previous one. Thanks
> everyone!
> Regards,
> Sangjin

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