On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:53 AM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I got a quick look at the Chimera code. If I understand well it consists
> in:
> - a native interface to the OpenSSL AES & secure random functions
> - an abstraction layer to use the JCE or OpenSSL AES implementation
> - an abstraction layer to use the JCE or OpenSSL secure random
> - encrypting/decrypting input/output streams
> Sorry if it sounds naive, but why not accessing the OpenSSL functions
> through a JCE provider instead of building an abstraction layer on top
> of another abstraction layer (JCE). The Apache JuiCE project was an
> attempt to implement this idea a few years ago [1]. With an OpenSSL
> based JCE provider the CryptoInput/OutputStream could probably be
> replaced by javax.crypto.CipherInput/OutputStream. As for the secure
> random part the standard java.security.SecureRandomSpi mechanism could
> be used to provide an OpenSSL based implementation.
> What do you think?

Great questions! Looking forward to a reply...


> Another dumb question, isn't AES-NI enabled by default in Java 8
> nowadays [2]? Do you still get a significant speed up with Chimera in
> this case? If so I think contributing the improvements to OpenJDK would
> be a good idea too, this will benefit everyone in the next Java releases.
> Emmanuel Bourg
> [1] http://incubator.apache.org/projects/juice.html
> [2] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/164
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