It sounds like the community doesn't have a consistent point of view on
the policy.

Setting aside policy for a moment, I've always considered a few different
branching models available when I start coding something big, with each
model offering different features.

1. Apache mainline branches: Review then commit.  Sign-off required from a
full committer.  Check the pre-commit results.  Don't break the build.
Strive to keep the branch shippable.

2. Apache feature branches: Sign-off may come from designated branch
committers in addition to full committers.  It's OK to break the branch
for work in progress, but it must be fixed before a merge.  It's still
review then commit though.

3. Personal GitHub repos: Commit as much as you want with no consequences.
 Great for speculative coding before requesting a full review, and great
for staging a sequence of dependent patches.  This is not visible to the
Apache community though, so you run the risk of needing to toss a bunch of
work later if someone objects to the changes for fundamental design

Allen, are there particular reasons that you favor #2 (but with
commit-then-review) instead of #3 for your work on HADOOP-12857 and
HADOOP-12930?  Maybe you want the patches on Apache infrastructure so you
can get the pre-commit sign-offs quickly?  Is it something else?

I think the spirit of feature branches is to provide a more rapid
development path for larger efforts.  As such, I'd have no objection to
allowing commit-then-review on feature branches if there is a good reason
for it.  By definition, a feature branch is isolated from the shipping
branches, so there is no risk of harming a release.

If community members are asking for design documentation and efforts to
rally more people to look at the changes, then that needs to be addressed
to the community's satisfaction too.  (Personally, I think design
documents are more heavy-weight of a process than required for these
changes, but others might legitimately think differently.)  If this isn't
addressed, then your obstacles on this work are just deferred to merge
time.  Allowing commit-then-review might allow the dev work to continue in
parallel while doing this though.

--Chris Nauroth

On 3/22/16, 11:03 PM, "Allen Wittenauer"
<> wrote:

>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 6:46 PM, Gangumalla, Uma <>
>>> is it possible for me to setup a branch, self review+commit to that
>>> branch, then request a branch merge?
>> Basically this is something like Commit-Then-Review(here review later)
>> process right. I have not seen we followed this approach here( not sure
>> I missed some branches followed that).
>       At least in recent times, YARN-3368 attempted to do that with the merge
>request found in YARN-4734. The first or second commit that went into
>that branch clearly has never been reviewed by another committer.  Since
>a PMC member did the commit and merge request, I thought I¹d ask since it
>implies that the policy really is CTR for merge requests. (FWIW, I was
>the lone -1 on the merge request, otherwise it likely would have gone in
>given it already had 2 +1¹s despite a) breaking the build b) having
>significant license issues and c) no design doc.)

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