+1 (non-binding). Thanks Junping for the effort.

I have used release package and verified below cases
- Ran MR sleep job and wordcount successfully in where nodes are configured
with labels.
- Verified application priority feature and I could see high priority apps
are getting resource over lower priority apps when configured
- Verified RM web UI pages and looks fine (priority could be seen)
- Intra-queue preemption related to app priority also seems fine


On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 2:48 PM Junping Du <j...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>      With fix of HDFS-11431 get in, I've created a new release candidate
> (RC3) for Apache Hadoop 2.8.0.
>      This is the next minor release to follow up 2.7.0 which has been
> released for more than 1 year. It comprises 2,900+ fixes, improvements, and
> new features. Most of these commits are released for the first time in
> branch-2.
>       More information about the 2.8.0 release plan can be found here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/HADOOP/Hadoop+2.8+Release
>       New RC is available at:
> http://home.apache.org/~junping_du/hadoop-2.8.0-RC3
>       The RC tag in git is: release-2.8.0-RC3, and the latest commit id
> is: 91f2b7a13d1e97be65db92ddabc627cc29ac0009
>       The maven artifacts are available via repository.apache.org at:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehadoop-1057
>       Please try the release and vote; the vote will run for the usual 5
> days, ending on 03/22/2017 PDT time.
> Thanks,
> Junping

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