
I was under the impression (and, maybe this was my misunderstanding. if so, 
sorry) that “the goal” for this first pass was to integrate the existing Apache 
Slider functionality into YARN.  As it stands, I don’t think those goals have 
been met.  It doesn’t seem to be much different than just writing a shell 
profile to call slider directly:
The goal of this feature is to support container-based services on YARN. The 
team started with merging slider but built many new stuff like the REST 
service, the DNS which don’t exist in slider and also rewrote a bunch of stuff 
in the core.
This thread was supposed for release update. Let’s move the feature discussion 
to the jira YARN-7127<>.


On Oct 9, 2017, at 5:51 PM, Allen Wittenauer 
<<>> wrote:

On Oct 6, 2017, at 5:51 PM, Eric Yang 
<<>> wrote:
yarn application -deploy –f spec.json
yarn application -stop <service-name>
yarn application -restart <service-name>
yarn application -remove <service-name>


yarn application –list will display both application list from RM as well as 
docker services?

IMO, that makes much more sense. [*] I’m trying think of a reason why I’d care 
if something was using this API or not.  It’s not like users can’t run whatever 
they want as part of their job now.  The break out is really only necessary so 
I have an idea if something is running that is using the REST API daemon. But 
more on that later….

I think the development team was concerned that command structure overload 
between batch applications and long running services.  In my view, there is no 
difference, they are all applications.  The only distinction is the launching 
and shutdown of services may be different from batch jobs.  I think user can 
get used to these command structures without creating additional command 

I pretty much agree.  In fact, I’d love to see ‘yarn application’ even replace 
‘yarn jar’. One Interface To Rule Them All.

I was under the impression (and, maybe this was my misunderstanding. if so, 
sorry) that “the goal” for this first pass was to integrate the existing Apache 
Slider functionality into YARN.  As it stands, I don’t think those goals have 
been met.  It doesn’t seem to be much different than just writing a shell 
profile to call slider directly:

function yarn_subcommand_service
  exec slider “$@“

(or whatever). Plus doing it this way, one gets the added benefit of the 
SIGNIFICANTLY better documentation. (Seriously: well done that team)

From an outside perspective, the extra daemon for running the REST API seems 
like when it should have clicked that the project is going off the rails and 
missing the whole “integration” aspect. Integrating the REST API into the RM 
from day one and the command separation would have also stuck out. If the RM 
runs the REST API, it now becomes a problem of “how does a user launch more 
than just a jar easily?” A problem that Hadoop has had since nearly day one.  
Redefining the “application” subcommand sounds like a reasonable way to move 
forward on that problem while also dropping the generic sounding "service" 

But all that said, it feels like direct integration was avoided from the 
beginning and I’m unclear as to why. Take this line from the quick start 

"Start all the hadoop components HDFS, YARN as usual.”

a) This sentence is pretty much a declaration that this feature set isn’t part 
of “YARN”.
b) Minimally, this should link to ClusterSetup.

Anyway, yes, please work on removing all of these extra adoption barriers and 
increased workload on admin teams with Yet Another Daemon to monitor and 
collect metrics.


[*] - I’m reminded of a conversation I had with a PMC member year or three ago 
about HDFS. They proudly almost defiantly stated that the HDFS command 
structure is such because it resembles the protocols and that was great. Guess 
what: users’ don’t care about how something is implemented, much less the 
protocols that are used to drive it. They care about consistency, EOU, and all 
those feel good things that make applications a joy to use. They have more 
important stuff to do. Copying the protocols onto the command line only help 
the person who wrote it and no one else. It’s hard not to walk away from 
playing with YARN in this branch as exhibiting those same anti-user behaviors.

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