Now that hadoop 3.3.5 is out, i want to propose something new

we switch branch-3.3 and trunk to being java11 only

   1. java 11 has been out for years
   2. oracle java 8 is no longer available under "premier support"; you
   can't really get upgrades
   3. openJDK 8 releases != oracle ones, and things you compile with them
   don't always link to oracle java 8 (some classes in java.nio have added
   more overrides)
   4. more and more libraries we want to upgrade to/bundle are java 11 only
   5. moving to java 11 would cut our yetus build workload in half, and
   line up for adding java 17 builds instead.

I know there are some outstanding issues still in -but are they blockers?
Could we just move to java11 and enhance at our leisure, once java8 is no
longer a concern.

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