well, how about we flip the switch and get on with it.

slf4j seems happy on java11,

side issue, anyone seen test failures on zulu1.8; somehow my test run is
failing and i'm trying to work out whether its a mismatch in command
line/ide jvm versions, or the 3.3.5 JARs have been built with an openjdk
version which requires IntBuffer implements an overridden method IntBuffer

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.IntBuffer.rewind()Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;

at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSInputChecker.verifySums(FSInputChecker.java:341)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSInputChecker.read1(FSInputChecker.java:257)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSInputChecker.read(FSInputChecker.java:202)
at java.io.DataInputStream.read(DataInputStream.java:149)

On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 at 15:52, Viraj Jasani <vjas...@apache.org> wrote:

> IIRC some of the ongoing major dependency upgrades (log4j 1 to 2, jersey 1
> to 2 and junit 4 to 5) are blockers for java 11 compile + test stability.
> On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 4:55 AM Steve Loughran <ste...@cloudera.com.invalid
> >
> wrote:
> >  Now that hadoop 3.3.5 is out, i want to propose something new
> >
> > we switch branch-3.3 and trunk to being java11 only
> >
> >
> >    1. java 11 has been out for years
> >    2. oracle java 8 is no longer available under "premier support"; you
> >    can't really get upgrades
> >    https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-se-support-roadmap.html
> >    3. openJDK 8 releases != oracle ones, and things you compile with them
> >    don't always link to oracle java 8 (some classes in java.nio have
> added
> >    more overrides)
> >    4. more and more libraries we want to upgrade to/bundle are java 11
> only
> >    5. moving to java 11 would cut our yetus build workload in half, and
> >    line up for adding java 17 builds instead.
> >
> >
> > I know there are some outstanding issues still in
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-16795 -but are they
> blockers?
> > Could we just move to java11 and enhance at our leisure, once java8 is no
> > longer a concern.
> >

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