
Konstantin Boudnik updated HADOOP-6222:

    Attachment: HADOOP-6222.hdfs-part.patch

New version of the patch addresses all concerns of this JIRA's subtasks:
- {{TestCLI}} is renamed to {{CLITestHelper}} to avoid it being picked up by 
- tests are converted to JUnit4 format
- check for 0-length test suite is added (thanks Todd)
 Also, it fixes {{TestStorageRestore}} which has direct dependencies from 

Because this patch affects both Common and HDFS there isn't easy way to test 
HDFS part of it through test-patch unless Common's is committed. I've build and 
successfully tested Common with the patch in place. Then, using fresh 
hadoop-core-test.jar I've ran {{TestHDFSCLI}} and {{TestStorageRestore}} on the 
patched version of HDFS. All tests were executed successfully.

Also, I have ran {{test-patch}} locally for the Common's modification and it 
was Ok except for one warning caused by the fact that patch doesn't reflect 
renaming of {{TestCLI}} - it something which has to be done trough SVN.

> Core doesn't have TestCommonCLI facility
> ----------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-6222
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6222
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Test
>          Components: test
>            Reporter: Boris Shkolnik
>            Assignee: Konstantin Boudnik
>         Attachments: HADOOP-6222.hdfs-part.patch, HADOOP-6222.patch, 
> HADOOP-6222.patch, HADOOP-6222.patch, HADOOP-6222_hdfs_part.patch, 
> HADOOP-6222_hdfs_part.patch
> TestCLI is a base class, which cannot run FS type of commands.
> We need a "copy" of TestHDFSCLI as TestCommonCLI to be able to test CLI stuff 
> in common.
> I suggest we create TestCommonCLI.java in hadoop-common

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