
Konstantin Boudnik updated HADOOP-6222:

    Attachment: HADOOP-6222.patch

After an exchange with Boris I've added a trivial test for {{fs -help}} command 
to the patch. Now it has one test case to demonstrate that the refactoring 
works as expected.

It should be clear though that only the tests which do not require a cluster to 
be up and running and can run with a local filesystem can be placed into 
Common. Otherwise they are going to fail.

> Core doesn't have TestCommonCLI facility
> ----------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-6222
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6222
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Test
>          Components: test
>            Reporter: Boris Shkolnik
>            Assignee: Konstantin Boudnik
>         Attachments: HADOOP-6222.hdfs-part.patch, 
> HADOOP-6222.hdfs-part.patch, HADOOP-6222.hdfs-part.patch, HADOOP-6222.patch, 
> HADOOP-6222.patch, HADOOP-6222.patch, HADOOP-6222.patch, HADOOP-6222.patch, 
> HADOOP-6222.patch, HADOOP-6222_hdfs_part.patch, HADOOP-6222_hdfs_part.patch
> TestCLI is a base class, which cannot run FS type of commands.
> We need a "copy" of TestHDFSCLI as TestCommonCLI to be able to test CLI stuff 
> in common.
> I suggest we create TestCommonCLI.java in hadoop-common

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