
Chris Douglas commented on HADOOP-6420:

bq. What do you mean by "this class"? Configuration?


bq. we also support users creating maps using the underlying properties (e.g., 
conf.set("foo.bar", "a"); conf.set("foo.baz", "b"); conf.getMap("foo")), I've 
added a declareMap() method that adds the sentinel as well.

This is incoherent. Either the user can set and retrieve string\->string maps 
from Configuration *or* this is offering an API to Configuration to address a 
subset of its members behind a preferred interface (i.e. Map<String,String>). 
In the latter case (_A_), a Map<String,String> wrapping a Configuration 
instance admits the ad-hoc "map" creation outlined above. In the former case 
(_B_), this should attempt to guarantee that the Map goes in and out of 
Configuration without being interfered with, excluding this use case.

Given how general Configuration is, I don't see a way to enforce _B_ invariants 
without having a blob as the value. If _A_ is the goal- because one wants to 
add to this sub-map at different stages efficiently, add values via the wrapper 
interface, or for some other reason- then _by definition_ it creates a sub-map 
by being interpreted as one, not by declaration.

The implementation details of MAPREDUCE-1126- particularly those enforcing 
backwards-compatibility- should not bleed into a general Configuration feature. 
If the metadata API needs to set a sentinel value in the config, then it should 
set it.

On v8:
# Two {{ConfigItemMap}}s are only equal if they come from the same 
Configuration; sharing a prefix is insufficient
# What distinguishes {{lookup}} from {{Configuration.this.get(prefix + 
# {{get}}/{{put}} should check for null, to avoid setting/seeking "prefix.null"
# Any particular reason {{putAll}} is unsupported?
# {{ConfigItemMap}} can be a stand-alone or static inner class in conf if (2) 
is sufficient

> String-to-String Maps should be embeddable in Configuration
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-6420
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-6420
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: conf
>            Reporter: Aaron Kimball
>            Assignee: Aaron Kimball
>         Attachments: HADOOP-6420.2.patch, HADOOP-6420.3.patch, 
> HADOOP-6420.4.patch, HADOOP-6420.5.patch, HADOOP-6420.6.patch, 
> HADOOP-6420.7.patch, HADOOP-6420.8.patch, HADOOP-6420.patch
> Per MAPREDUCE-1126, we need to be able to take a map of (key, value) pairs 
> and embed that inside a Configuration object.

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