dingshun3016 commented on PR #5170:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hadoop/pull/5170#issuecomment-1333710803

   according to the situation discussed so far, it seems that there are several 
ways to solve this problem
   -  remove the BLOCK_POOl level write lock in #addBlockPool
        > but worry about having replica consistency problem
   - forbid refresh() when ReplicaCachingGetSpaceUsed#init() at first time
        > it will cause the value of dfsUsage to be 0 until the next time 
   - use du or df command instead at first time
        > du is very expensive and slow
        > df is inaccurate when the disk sharing by other servers
   Now that, this case only happen when invoke addBlockPool() and 
CachingGetSpaceUsed#used < 0,  I have an idea,  is it possible to add a switch, 
not add lock when ReplicaCachingGetSpaceUsed#init() at first time , and add it 
at other times
   do you think it's possible?@MingXiangLi 

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