On Monday 04 January 2010 13:37:48 Steve Loughran wrote:
> Jordà Polo wrote:
> > I have been thinking about an official Hadoop Debian package for a while
> > too.
> If you want "official" as in can say "Apache Hadoop" on it, then it will
> need to be managed and released as an apache project. That means
> somewhere in ASF SVN. If you want to cut your own, please give it a
> different name to avoid problems later.

Huh? I am lost and confused here: As far as I understood Thomas is trying to 
create a Debian package which then goes into the Debian distribution 
(possibly sid at the moment).

Same was done e.g. with Lucene, httpd, Tomcat etc. All of these packages are 
maintained by Debian people and not pushed by Apache guys. Still the packages 
are named tomcat5.5, apache2.2-common, liblucene-java. So it seems possible 
to name official Debian packages similar to the upstream Apache project w/o 
much problems.


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