On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 2:52 AM, Steve Loughran <ste...@apache.org> wrote:

> Tarandeep Singh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am running a MR job that requires usage of some java.awt.* classes, that
>> can't be run in headless mode.
>> Right now, I am running Hadoop in a single node cluster (my laptop) which
>> has X11 server running. I have set up my ssh server and client to do X11
>> forwarding.
>> I ran the following java program to ensure that X11 forwarding is working-
> the problem here is that you need to tell AWT to run headless instead of
> expecting an X11 server to hand. Which means setting java.awt.headless=true
> in the processes that are using AWT to do bitmap rendering.
> see http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/Desktop/headless/for 
> details
I am using Frame class and it can't be run in headless mode.

Suggestion of Brien is useful (running x virtual frame buffer) and I guess I
am going to do the same on my servers but right now I am testing on my
laptop which is running X server.

The problem here is, the test program runs over ssh without any problem but
when I run the map reduce program I keep getting error. Both the standalone
program and MR program are run as the same user.

I followed Todd's suggestion and checked the value of XAUTHORITY environment
variable. It turns out, the value of this variable is not set when I do ssh.
So I am trying to see if I can set its value and if the MR program runs
after that. But if this is the problem then the standalone program should
also not run.


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