
What version of Hadoop are you building Debian packages for? If you're
taking Cloudera's existing debs and modifying them, these include a backport
of Sqoop (from Apache's trunk) which uses the rt tools.jar to compile
auto-generated code at runtime. Later versions of Sqoop (including the one
in the most recently-released CDH2: 0.20.1+169.56-1) include MAPREDUCE-1146
which eliminates that dependency.

- Aaron

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 3:19 AM, Steve Loughran <> wrote:

> Thomas Koch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on the Debian package for hadoop (the first version is already
>> in the new queue for Debian unstable).
>> Now I stumpled about $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar in the classpath. Since
>> Debian supports different JAVA runtimes, it's not that easy to know, which
>> one the user currently uses and therefor I'd would make things easier if
>> this jar would not be necessary.
>> From searching and inspecting the SVN history I got the impression, that
>> this is an ancient legacy that's not necessary (anymore)?
> I don't think hadoop core/hdf/maperd needs it. The only place where it
> would be needed is JSP->java->binary work, but as the JSPs are precompiled
> you can probably get away without it. Just add tests for all the JSPs to
> make sure they work.
> -steve

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