> Just wanted to get the groups general feelings on what the preferred distro
> is and why? Obviously assuming one didn't have a service agreement with
> cloudera.
There'll shortly be a third alternative: The debian package of hadoop is in 
the Debian new queue[1] and will hopefully pass it in a couple of days to 
enter debian unstable. A preview is available from the unofficial repository 
of the Debian-Java Team.[2][3]
The Debian package took the cloudera packaging as model, with some slight 

- no version namespace, everything is called just "hadoop", not "hadoop-0.18" 
or "hadoop-0.20" as in the cloudera package

- some contributions are missing due to lack of manpower or missing 
dependencies in Debian

- the native C++ hadoop code is not in the package due to lack of manpower

The advantage of the debian packages is a more standards conform integration 
in Debian.

[2] put this in /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb unstable/all/

Best regards,

Thomas Koch,

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