Please take questions on Cloudera Distro to their internal lists.

On Aug 5, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Bobby Dennett wrote:

We are looking to enable LZO compression of the map outputs on our
Cloudera 0.20.1 cluster. It seems there are various sets of
instructions available and I am curious what your thoughts are
regarding which one would be best for our Hadoop distribution and OS
(Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit). In particular, hadoop-gpl-compression
( vs. hadoop-lzo

Some of what appear to be the better instructions/guides out there:
* Josh Patterson's reply on June 25th to the "Newbie to HDFS
compression" thread --
* hadoop-gpl-compression FAQ --
* "Hadoop at Twitter (part 1): Splittable LZO Compression" blog post

Thanks in advance,

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