It is clear now. Thanks Mike.


----- 原始邮件 ----
发件人: Michael Thomas <>
发送日期: 2010/8/31 (周二) 8:04:07 下午
主   题: Re: accounts permission on hadoop

On 08/31/2010 05:01 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
> On 08/31/2010 03:12 PM, Gang Luo wrote:
>> Thanks Edward.
>> I was thinking is the home directory on HDFS also comply with the linux 
>> Since I create '/usr/research/home/smith' on HDFS for user 'smith', which is
>> also the home directory for smith in linux. When he input ' 'bin/hadoop fs 
>> ~/' he will get this directory, instead of '/user/smith'.
>> -Gang
> The tilde character '~' is a shell metacharacter.  It is converted to
> value of $HOME before the shell invokes the bin/hadoop command.  For
> example:
> 1) User types "bin/hadoop fs -ls ~/"
> 2) Your shell changes this command to "bin/hadoop fs -ls /user/smith/"
> (or wherever the user's local linux home directory is located).
> 3) Your shell invokes the command and hadoop returns the contents of
> '/usr/research/home/smith' from hdfs (which probably doesn't exist), not
> from the local filesystem.

Of course, I meant to say "...returns the contents of '/user/smith' from


> Hadoop doesn't do anything special with the ~ character.
> --Mike

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