Hi all,

 I wrote some new writable files corresponding to my data input. I added
them to /src/org/......../io/ where all the writables reside. Similarly, I
also wrote input/output format files and a recordreader and added them to
src/mapred/...../mapred/ where all related files reside.

 I want to run the Sort function (in examples) with these new classes
(writables, recreader, i/oformat). So I also modified the Sort to
incorporate these files and import them in the Sort.java file. After all
this, I gave a ant clean and then ant command to build everything fresh. But
nothing really happened I guess because when I run the program , it give
ClassNotFoundException for the classes I give as parameters in the command.

  Some one please help me out !! How to modify the core/ files (incorporate
more core io/mapred files) in HADOOP !!


Matthew John

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