Hey Jeff ,

I gave the command :

 bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar sort -libjars
./build/hadoop-0.20.3-dev-core.jar -inFormat
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MetafileInputFormat -outFormat
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MetafileOutputFormat -outKey
org.apache.hadoop.io.FpMetaId -outValue org.apache.hadoop.io.FpMetadata
fp_input fp_output

where hadoop-0.20.3-dev-core.jar is the new core jar (using command ant jar)
whereas hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar is still the same old examples jar file
(I couldnot  make the new examples jar using ant examples since I doesnt
have the latest dependencies on the new classes i have defined). the other
parameters are the new classes I want to use for running Sort.
I feel I should make the new examples jar but dont know how to .. :( :( ..
please tell me how to give new core jar as a parameter to run the ant

I am getting the following errors when i ran the command.. :

org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MetafileInputFormat.. and so on ...



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