I was using hadoop eclipse plugin on hadoop 0.20.2 cluster..
It was working fine for me.
I was using Eclipse SDK Helios 3.6.2 with the plugin
"hadoop-eclipse-plugin-0.20.3-SNAPSHOT.jar" downloaded from JIRA

Now for Hbase installation.. I had to use hadoop-0.20-append compiled
jars..and I had to replace the old jar files with new 0.20-append compiled
jar files..
But now after replacing .. my hadoop eclipse plugin is not working well for
Whenever I am trying to connect to my hadoop master node from that and try
to see DFS locations..
it is giving me the following error:
Error : Protocol org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.clientprotocol version
mismatch (client 41 server 43)*

However the hadoop cluster is working fine if I go directly on hadoop
namenode use hadoop commands..
I can add files to HDFS.. run jobs from there.. HDFS web console and
Map-Reduce web console are also working fine. but not able to use my
previous hadoop eclipse plugin.

Any suggestions or help for this issue ?


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