On 14/11/11 20:46, Raj V wrote:
Hi Stephen

THis is probably happening during jobtracker start. Can you provide any 
relevant logs from the task tracker log fiile?

You are correct, there is even a helpful message

2011-11-16 15:05:58,076 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker: Incorrect permissions on hdfs://testXXXX/hadoop/mapred/system. Setting it to rwx------

Is there a reason for this policy? And how does that fit with multi-user hadoop?


Stephen Mulcahy, DI2, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
NUI Galway, IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, Galway, Ireland
http://di2.deri.ie    http://webstar.deri.ie    http://sindice.com

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