On 16/11/11 14:52, stephen mulcahy wrote:

So, digging further - hadoop seems to want to create a file

<mapred.system.dir>/<job id>/jobToken

for each job I submit.

I assume this file is related to the new security stuff. Can I disable
this activity until I require the security functionality or can I get
this file created somewhere else?

Or should the permissions enforced by the JobTracker on
mapred.system.dir be changed if this is always required?

I've explicitly set the following



and the jobToken file is still created so every-user seems to need access to this directory.

Should I open a bug about this behaviour or is what I'm trying to do unsupported?


Stephen Mulcahy, DI2, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
NUI Galway, IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, Galway, Ireland
http://di2.deri.ie    http://webstar.deri.ie    http://sindice.com

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