Pe 06.03.2012 17:37, Jane Wayne a scris:
currently, i have my main jar and then 2 depedent jars. what i do is
1. copy dependent-1.jar to $HADOOP/lib
2. copy dependent-2.jar to $HADOOP/lib

then, when i need to run my job, MyJob inside main.jar, i do the following.

hadoop jar main.jar demo.MyJob -libjars dependent-1.jar,dependent-2.jar
-Dmapred.input.dir=/input/path -Dmapred.output.dir=/output/path

what i want to do is NOT copy the dependent jars to $HADOOP/lib and always
specify -libjars. is there any way around this multi-step procedure? i
really do not want to clutter $HADOOP/lib or specify a comma-delimited list
of jars for -libjars.

any help is appreciated.


Specify the full path to the jar on the -libjars? My experience with -libjars is that it didn't work as advertised.

Search for an older post on the list about this issue ( -libjars not working). I tried adding a lot of jars and some got on the job classpath (2), some didn't (most of them).

I got over this by including all the jars in a lib directory inside the main jar.

Ioan Eugen Stan

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