Have you tried setting 'mapreduce.user.classpath.first'? It allows user
jars to be put in the classpath before hadoop jars.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sky USC <sky...@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: "common-user@hadoop.apache.org" <common-user@hadoop.apache.org>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 15:46:52 -0500
To: "common-user@hadoop.apache.org" <common-user@hadoop.apache.org>
Subject: RE: How do I include the newer version of Commons-lang in my jar?

>Thanks for the reply. I appreciate your helpfulness. I created Jars by
>following instructions at
>"http://blog.mafr.de/2010/07/24/maven-hadoop-job/";. So external Jars are
>stored in lib/ folder within a jar.
>Am I summarizing this correctly:
>1. If hadoop version = 0.20.203 or lower - then, there is not possible
>for me to use an external jar such as "commons-lang" from apache in my
>application. Any external jars packaged within my jar under "lib"
>directory are not captured. This appears like a huge limitation to me?
>2. If hadoop version >  0.20.204 to 1.0.x - then use
>"HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST=true" environment variable before launching
>"hadoop jar" might help. I tried this for version 0.20.205 but it didnt
>3. If hadoop version > 2.x or formerly 0.23.x - then this can be set via
>Is there a working version of testable jar that has these dependencies
>that I can try to figure out if its my way of packaging jar or something
>> From: ha...@cloudera.com
>> Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 13:50:37 +0530
>> Subject: Re: How do I include the newer version of Commons-lang in my
>> To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org
>> Answer is a bit messy.
>> Perhaps you can set the environment variable "export
>> HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST=true" before you do a "hadoop jar Š" to
>> launch your job. However, although this approach is present in
>> 0.20.204+ (0.20.205, and 1.0.x), am not sure if it makes an impact on
>> the tasks as well. I don't see it changing anything but for the driver
>> CP. I've not tested it - please let us know if it works in your
>> environment.
>> In higher versions (2.x or formerly 0.23.x), this is doable from
>> within your job if you set "mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first" to
>> true inside your job, and ship your replacement jars along.
>> Some versions would also let you set this via
>> "JobConf/Job.setUserClassesTakesPrecedence(true/false)" API calls.
>> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Sky <sky...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi.
>> >
>> > I am new to Hadoop and I am working on project on AWS Elastic
>> >
>> > The problem I am facing is:
>> > * org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils: parseDate() works OK but
>> > parseDateStrictly() fails.
>> > I think parseDateStrictly might be new in lang 2.5. I thought I
>>included all
>> > dependencies. However, for some reason, during runtime, my app is not
>> > picking up the newer commons-lang.
>> >
>> > Would love some help.
>> >
>> > Thx
>> > - sky
>> >
>> >
>> -- 
>> Harsh J

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