
I am trying to get the ApplicationMaster info using the <http://<proxy http
address:port>/proxy/{appid}/ws/v1/mapreduce/info> link as described on the <

I am able to access and retrieve JSON response for other modules
(ResourceManager, NodeManager and HistoryServer). However, I am getting
'Page not found' when I try to use my ResourceManager Http address to
access the ApplicationMaster info. I am using <
http://localhost:8088/proxy/{appid}/ws/v1/mapreduce/info> to retrieve JSON

The instructions say "The application master should be accessed via the
proxy. This proxy is configurable to run either on the resource manager or
on a separate host."

My yarn-default.xml contains:
    <description>The address for the web proxy as HOST:PORT, if this is not
     given then the proxy will run as part of the RM</description>

and I did not set a value explicitly in yarn-site.xml.  Any idea how I can
get this working? Thanks in advance.


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