> You could do that, but that means your app will have to have keytabs
> for all the users want to act as. Proxyuser will be much easier to
> manage. Maybe getting proxyuser support in hbase if it is not there
> yet

I don't think proxy auth is what the OP is after. Do I have that
right? Implies the presence of a node somewhere to act as the proxy.
For HBase, there is https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-5050
which would enable proxyuser support via the REST gateway as simple
follow on work.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Alejandro Abdelnur <t...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Tony Dean <tony.d...@sas.com> wrote:
>> Alejandro,
>> Thanks for the reply.  My intent is to also be able to scan/get/put hbase 
>> tables under a specified identity as well.  What options do I have to 
>> perform the same multi-tenant  authorization for these operations?  I have 
>> posted this to hbase users distribution list as well, but thought you might 
>> have insight.  Since hbase security authentication is so dependent upon 
>> hadoop, it would be nice if your suggestion worked for hbase as well.
>> Getting back to your suggestion... when configuring 
>> "hadoop.proxyuser.myserveruser.hosts", host1 would be where I'm making the 
>> ugi.doAs() privileged call and host2 is the hadoop namenode?
> host1 in that case.
>> Also, an another option, is there not a way for an application to pass 
>> hadoop/hbase authentication the name of a Kerberos principal to use?  In 
>> this case, no proxy, just execute as the designated user.
> You could do that, but that means your app will have to have keytabs
> for all the users want to act as. Proxyuser will be much easier to
> manage. Maybe getting proxyuser support in hbase if it is not there
> yet
>> Thanks.
>> -Tony
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alejandro Abdelnur [mailto:t...@cloudera.com]
>> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 11:40 AM
>> To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: hadoop security API (repost)
>> Tony,
>> If you are doing a server app that interacts with the cluster on behalf of 
>> different users (like Ooize, as you mentioned in your email), then you 
>> should use the proxyuser capabilities of Hadoop.
>> * Configure user MYSERVERUSER as proxyuser in Hadoop core-site.xml (this 
>> requires 2 properties settings, HOSTS and GROUPS).
>> * Run your server app as MYSERVERUSER and have a Kerberos principal 
>> * Initialize your server app loading the MYSERVERUSER/MYSERVERHOST keytab
>> * Use the UGI.doAs() to create JobClient/Filesystem instances using the user 
>> you want to do something on behalf
>> * Keep in mind that all the users you need to do something on behalf should 
>> be valid Unix users in the cluster
>> * If those users need direct access to the cluster, they'll have to be also 
>> defined in in the KDC user database.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Thx
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 6:22 AM, Tony Dean <tony.d...@sas.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, but this will not work in a multi-tenant environment.  I need to be 
>>> able to create a Kerberos TGT per execution thread.
>>> I was hoping through JAAS that I could inject the name of the current 
>>> principal and authenticate against it.  I'm sure there is a best practice 
>>> for hadoop/hbase client API authentication, just not sure what it is.
>>> Thank you for your comment.  The solution may well be associated with the 
>>> UserGroupInformation class.  Hopefully, other ideas will come from this 
>>> thread.
>>> Thanks.
>>> -Tony
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Ivan Frain [mailto:ivan.fr...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 8:14 AM
>>> To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: hadoop security API (repost)
>>> Hi Tony,
>>> I am currently working on this to access HDFS securely and programmaticaly.
>>> What I have found so far may help even if I am not 100% sure this is the 
>>> right way to proceed.
>>> If you have already obtained a TGT from the kinit command, hadoop library 
>>> will locate it "automatically" if the name of the ticket cache corresponds 
>>> to default location. On Linux it is located /tmp/krb5cc_uid-number.
>>> For example, with my linux user hdfs, I get a TGT for hadoop user 'ivan'
>>> meaning you can impersonate ivan from hdfs linux user:
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> hdfs@mitkdc:~$ klist
>>> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_10003
>>> Default principal: i...@hadoop.lan
>>> Valid starting    Expires           Service principal
>>> 02/07/2012 13:59  02/07/2012 23:59  krbtgt/hadoop....@hadoop.lan renew
>>> until 03/07/2012 13:59
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> Then, you just have to set the right security options in your hadoop client 
>>> in java and the identity will be i...@hadoop.lan for our example. In my 
>>> tests, I only use HDFS and here a snippet of code to have access to a 
>>> secure hdfs cluster assuming the previous TGT (ivan's impersonation):
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>      val conf: HdfsConfiguration = new HdfsConfiguration()
>>> conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION,
>>> "kerberos")
>>> conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHORIZATION,
>>> "true")
>>>      conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY,
>>> serverPrincipal)
>>>      UserGroupInformation.setConfiguration(conf)
>>>      val fs = FileSystem.get(new URI(hdfsUri), conf)
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> Using this 'fs' is a handler to access hdfs securely as user 'ivan' even if 
>>> ivan does not appear in the hadoop client code.
>>> Anyway, I also see two other options:
>>>   * Setting the KRB5CCNAME environment variable to point to the right 
>>> ticketCache file
>>>   * Specifying the keytab file you want to use from the 
>>> UserGroupInformation singleton API:
>>> UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(user, keytabFile)
>>> If you want to understand the auth process and the different options to 
>>> login, I guess you need to have a look to the UserGroupInformation.java 
>>> source code (release 0.23.1 link: http://bit.ly/NVzBKL). The private class 
>>> HadoopConfiguration line 347 is of major interest in our case.
>>> Another point is that I did not find any easy way to prompt the user for a 
>>> password at runtim using the actual hadoop API. It appears to be somehow 
>>> hardcoded in the UserGroupInformation singleton. I guess it could be nice 
>>> to have a new function to give to the UserGroupInformation an authenticated 
>>> 'Subject' which could override all default configurations. If someone have 
>>> better ideas it could be nice to discuss on it as well.
>>> BR,
>>> Ivan
>>> 2012/7/1 Tony Dean <tony.d...@sas.com>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The security documentation specifies how to test a secure cluster by
>>>> using kinit and thus adding the Kerberos principal TGT to the ticket
>>>> cache in which the hadoop client code uses to acquire service tickets
>>>> for use in the cluster.
>>>> What if I created an application that used the hadoop API to
>>>> communicate with hdfs and/or mapred protocols, is there a
>>>> programmatic way to inform hadoop to use a particular Kerberos
>>>> principal name with a keytab that contains its password key?  I
>>>> didn't see a way to integrate with JAAS KrbLoginModule.
>>>> I was thinking that if I could inject a callbackHandler, I could pass
>>>> the principal name and the KrbLoginModule already has options to
>>>> specify keytab.
>>>> Is this something that is possible?  Or is this just not the right
>>>> way to do things?
>>>> I read about impersonation where authentication is performed with a
>>>> system user such as "oozie" and then it just impersonates other users
>>>> so that permissions are based on the impersonated user instead of the
>>>> system user.
>>>> Please help me understand my options for executing hadoop tasks in a
>>>> multi-tenant application.
>>>> Thank you!
>>> --
>>> Ivan Frain
>>> 11, route de Grenade
>>> 31530 Saint-Paul-sur-Save
>>> mobile: +33 (0)6 52 52 47 07
>> --
>> Alejandro
> --
> Alejandro

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet
Hein (via Tom White)

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