on 12/17/01 3:20 PM, "Michael Bayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I use JORA (slightly modified) for situations where the OR mapping is
> straightforward and do the rest by hand. I wrote a JDBC support package
> that automatically takes care of transactions, restarting database
> operations that fail for transient reasons (deadlock, network failures),
> and provides an extensible mechanism for abstracting over database
> inconsistencies. It also integrates easily with one's connection pooling
> mechanism of choice.
> This choice was a result of realizing that my database needs weren't very
> complex and that writing some code to handle the robustness requirement
> would be simpler than getting a robust and flexible framework working in
> the way that I wanted.
> It's not super sophisticated, but it is available if others are
> interested. Javadoc:

Yup...JORA seems like a simplified Torque and seems good for simple apps...I
just wouldn't want to have to create a bazillion Table objects myself for
larger databases...:-)

Thanks for the update mike...


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