I'd like to have your opinion on the possible synergies between Avalon
and the Commons projects on reuse and sharing.

Here are some of my thoughts :-)

* Avalon is a service framework (ok, component and service framework)
and is suited for lots of projects but some projects may not need/want
to use the small Avalon wrapper which is layered on top of the java
classes and may want to use directly the implementation (like using a
jdbc pool but not as an Avalon component which needs to be managed by a
component manager)

* On the other hand, Commons is geared towards providing context neutral
libraries which could be used in any context.

* Thus, one solution could be to put in Commons the bare implementation
(like the jdbc pool implementation) and put in Avalon a component
wrapper on top of it (and reference the commons jars).

* Thus, the bare implementation can also be used independently of

* For example, we could easily provide an Avalon component which would
wrap around the commons digester, etc.

What do you think ?

If there is an agreement, this should probably be done slowly, one
library at a time. I guess, I'm not sure about the knowledge both
projects have of each other. I have been using both and I see a lot of
possible code reuse/benefits.


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