> > I would advertise the "http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/"; URL, as it's
> > stable and you can find anything you want from there. Also, you can
> > spare a couple of web site updates when something new arises in e.g.
> > the nightly builds.
> i'm a bit confused.
> aren't the build urls already there under the downloads section of the 
> project information on the left of each page?
> - robert

The download section lists (binary and source) URLs to certain (most) projects.
However the above URL contains much more than that is advertised there.
E.g. on the http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.html page you
can't see nightly builds for regexp or oro. If you check them, then
regexp HAS nightly build while oro really has not.

What I propsed is to advertise the single URL http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/
and describe the structure under that. This way everybody can see for sure
what exists and what does not (and you don't have to update allways the
download section. The simplest solution (I think) to point the "download"
to this URL and all the other materials can be put into a README under
this URL.

Just an idea (I hate site management).


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