
>>1) JNDI bindings.  Avalon-Excalibur has a generic provider for RMI.  It
>>should be fairly easy to copy for AltRMI. If keen, I can pass on URLs to
>>the CVS files.
>Just a thought - there's a bunch of JNDI code, utilities and providers all
>over the place in different projects. Maybe its worth trying to get some of
>the utility code together into a new commons project?

Excalibur people's hearts break a little (understandably) when this is 
proposed.  Avalon was at one stage supposed to be useful, reusable, 
patterns based  foundation code for server apps or servlet environment 
apps.  I have never contributed much to Excalbur but can't help feeling 
loyal to my Avalon comrades.....


- Paul

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