At 08:05 PM 1/24/2002 +0100, you wrote:
> >From: Juozas Baliuka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >Hi,
> >1."ServiceNotAvailableException" is useful to handle fatal erros, "Log
> >message,send SNS for admin .... "
> >
> >2."NotFoundException" <==> "KeyNotFoundException" is useful to optimize
> >"get" without   "contais" and for null result, nul is also "good" value.
>A Exception seems to be cleaner in this case. What do you think.
> >3."KeyNotUniqueException" <==> "DublicateKeyException" is usefull for
> >"put", because it returns "void" and  store can be used without "contais".
> >all of them not useful for memory stores, because they use Map for internal
> >optimizations and in case "ServiceNotAvailableException" it impossible to
> >handle, handling will fail :)
> >But for stores like "JDBCStore", "FileStore", "RemoteStore" exceptions are
> >very useful.
>;-) ok what's your statement. Yes or No for Exceptions?

Yes, for for Exceptions !!!.

>   Gerhard
>Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
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