On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Glenn Nielsen wrote:

> I have started putting together a proposal for Jakarta-Filters.
> Once this effort has been bootstrapped in jakarta-commons-sandbox
> this can be proposed to the PMC as a top level project if enough
> interest exists.
> If you are interested in contributing to Servlet Filters please read
> the proposal below and send me your comments.  Let me know if I missed
> any filters or committers.

I'm not sure a top level project is such a good idea. I know we have a 
jakarta-taglibs already, but maybe it's a better idea to first see if 
there is enough interest and enough real activity in jakarta-commons.
>From sandbox to top level project is a bit too much  :-)

I would be +0 for a top level project that would deal with 'extensions'
or 'modules' - i.e. servlet filters, ant tasks, axis handlers, tomcat 
valves and interceptors, etc. Especially if the organization would
be similar with commons. But even for that - jakarta-commons is 
a much better place, and if it gets so much contribution it
overwhelms commons, it's easy to move. 



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