>>My analysis is that the previous Cookie class 
>>was more lenient WRT the cookie domain 
>>(i.e. it could be "null"). However it seems the new 
>>Cookie.compare() method throws a NPE if it is null. 
>>Questions : 
>>1/ Is this done voluntarily (i.e. force the user 
>>to always specify a 
>>domain) ? 
> Not particularly, but it does make 
> some sense. I can't find anywhere in 
> the RFC  that says Domain is optional. 

I can. See section 4.2.2 of RFC 2109.

If the latest Cookie.java breaks when domain, path, or any other attribute
is null, that's a bug.

Perhaps we should add unit tests for processing null domains, paths, etc.,
just to document this contract.

The typical browser behavior, which I think is specified by the old
"netscape" cookie spec, is to assume a default path of "/" and a default
domain of the full-specified domain used in the request.  I'm pretty sure
that's the behavior Cookie used to have.

 - Rod

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