> I just spotted the daemon project in CVS and wondered if there was any
> intention of implementing JSR 96
> http://jcp.org/jsr/detail/96.jsp
> Also I wonder if JSR 96 will release an open source reference
> implementation?

I was, but now it's not.
But of course, we could still decide later to implement the spec even if
it's not that good. We could also propose a 2.0 version of the API in a
subsequent JSR.

> BTW have you seen the Java Service Wrapper?
> http://wrapper.sourceforge.net/doc/english/index.html
> I've not looked too deep yet at all 3 of these but its on my radar - I'd
> interested in any comments folk have on the pros & cons of the above.

The Java API does the same, and the native components look more or less
equivalent. The code for the component had been in the Tomcat CVS for a
Tomcat is currently using a third project as its NT service wrapper. It'll
be easier to depend on the commons rather than an external project.


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