If UrlComparator and NumericStringComparator are mainly for presentation
logic, my inclination would be to leave them out.  IMO once you go into the
pretty printing business, you eventually end up with a ton of classes with a
limited audience.  I'd prefer to stick to Comparator utilities and
Comparators that enforce a defensible ordering.  I'm curious what other
folks' opinions are; right now I seem to be in the minority, although it's
only a 2-1 minority.  :)

- Morgan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henri Yandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta Commons Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Morgan Delagrange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [COLLECTIONS] Comparator observations

> > > Agreed. Should UrlComparator live with Url?
> >
> > > The other two I guess are more
> > > Util stuff? Hard to package them. I solved it by having all my
> > > in a compare pacakge.
> >
> > How about I just re-add UrlComparator and NumericStringComparator to
> > for now, and we can go from there?
> They're both mainly presentation based. I disagree that they're
> application specific, but they are common presentation level components
> rather than generic anywhere components.
> UrlComparator doesn't try to fix any UrlStreamHandler issues, but orders
> the Urls in a more usable way.
> >
> > > NumericStringComparator however is something I've often seen people
> > > for. It's not a simple implementation (well for the level of people
> > > for), so I think it has a lot of uses. It's all opinion though, so I
> > > dunno.
> >
> > To me, this one does stand out from the other two as potentially
> > appropriate.  What would a class like this be used for?  It still
_sounds_ a
> > little application-specific, but maybe not.
> It's presentation specific, though I guess it could be used without. My
> most recent usage was in a JTable. The JTable columns were normally
> numbers, but could be strings, so I used String as the type of the cell.
> Sorting on String is bad as it places 51 before 6. So
> NumericStringComparator came in handy. I originally wrote it due to people
> asking how to do such a thing on a forum and the suggested answers all
> looking horribly heavy.
> However, server-side components can still be presentation specific I
> figure. A previous usage was in a jsp page. Maybe the
> Commons...comparators need to be bound to a sorting taglib if we've not
> got one already :)
> kHen
> --
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