Marc Saegesser wrote:

>I've spent a fair amount of time recently reading and re-reading RFC 2109
>and the Netscape cookie spec-like-thing.  Here's my current understanding.
>All cookies have a domain.  A domain is required in order to determine which
>cookies should be sent with a given request.
I suppose it depends on what you're calling a cookie. As far as the 
response header is concerned, domain is optional, from the RFC:

      Optional.  The Domain attribute specifies the domain for which the
      cookie is valid.  An explicitly specified domain must always start
      with a dot.

As far as the client's concerned, it's a derived value if not specified 
in the header.

>A cookie's domain can come from two different places:  1) a domain attribute
>in the set-cookie header or 2) default to the host that sent the cookie.
>There are two ways that cookies get created in HttpClient, by calling a
>Cookie constructor or by parsing a set-cookie header.  Both the constructors
>and parse take a value for the domain.  So the question is what is the
>meaning of this domain value and what are the legal values.  
>For the constructors, the case is fairly straight-forward.  The constructor
>has no knowledge of the request, response or any headers, it simply creates
>the cookie with the given values.  Since, as I claim above, all cookies must
>have a domain, allowing a null domain value to the constructor creates a
>cookie that isn't valid.  Thus, the constructors should throw an
>IllegalArgumentException for null domains.
I'll go against that one, and say that since there is an option for 
creating a header from an array of Cookies, and we should allow users to 
create the header without specifying the domain (might want to send the 
same cookie to multiple places), then domain in the cookie constructor 
should be able to be null. Domain passed to create cookie header shouldn't.

>The parse() method has access to the set-cookie header, but not the request
>or response.  The domain parameter passed to parse() should be interpretted
>as the default domain for the cookie in case the set-cookie header doesn't
>contain a domain attribute.  Since domain attributes are not required, and
>all cookies must have a domain, the domain passed to parse() should not null
>and the method should throw an IllegalArgumentException for null domains.
Agreed. Ditto for createCookieHeader.

>Marc Saegesser 
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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