On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> The release candidate is ready and sitting on the server:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-commons/release/commons-collections
> /v2.0/
> Please state your vote for this candidate.  Also, please let me know if you
> discover errors in the distribution.

-0 on the release.  I don't want to hold it up, but I feel there are still 
some issues that could be resolved before we actually release a 2.0.  

As I mentioned earlier, documentation definately needs to be improved, but
that could be added in a 2.0.1 without too much problems.  Another thing
that I think could be improved is argument checking.  

For example, ArrayEnumeration takes an Object as a parameter, but does not
provide checking on that to ensure that it is actually an Array.  The
checking would eventually be provided when the hasNext or next methods are
called (in the form of an IllegalArgumentException), but I feel this
should really be thrown from the constructor and and the setArray methods.  
That is, a more fail-fast behavior.

Changing such argument checking may be construed as an incompatible 
change, so that may not be able to be fixed in a 2.0.1 or a 2.1.  

Another thing on I'd like to see is full generalization of some of the 
collections.  For example, the BinaryHeap is currently restricted to 
Comparable objects.  While you can't really have a heap without the 
ability to compare the objects, that doesn't mean the objects themselves 
have to be comparable.  It should be allowable to specify a Comparator and 
use that to compare objects that don't implement Comparable.  Such a 
change would alter the signatures of a couple of methods and would be an 
non-backwards compatible change.


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