Hello Craig!
"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Lev Assinovsky wrote:
> That's two separate issues.
> First, the JNDI namespace that Tomcat 4 gives you is indeed read only --
> it is populated from resources that are configured in server.xml, as
> described in the Tomcat documentation.  In Tomcat 4.0.x, the default
> connection pool is Tyrex, but you can use the one from DBCP by declaring
> your own "factory" (again, as described in the JNDI HOW-TO docs) class of
> "org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory".

I did this. I and look up in the bean. THe problem is if bean has scope
connection pool is created for every session.
Seems, we have to have one bean with scope="application".

> this, one answer is to not implement SingleThreadModel (avoiding
> SingleThreadModel is a good idea anyway), but you should also really look
> at doing one-time application initialization in a ServletContextListener
> that was introduced in Servlet 2.3 (and therefore supported in Tomcat 4).
> Basically, you do the following:
> * Create a class that implements javax.servlet.ServletContextListener
> * Register it with an element in your web.xml file:
>     <listener>
>         <listener-class>com.mycompany.mypackage.MyListener</listener-class>
>     </listener>
> * In the contextInitialized() method, do whatever setup
>   you need.  Typically, you will create objects and store
>   them as servlet context attributes.  This method is
>   guaranteed to be called exactly once, before any requests
>   are processed by your application.
> * In the contextDestroyed() method, you can do any cleanup
>   needed at shutdown time.  This method is guaranteed to be
>   called exactly once, after the last request has been processed.
> More info on the servlet related concepts can be found in the Servlet 2.3
> Specification <http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html>, and
> you'll get lots more help on general servlet issues on the TOMCAT-USER
> mailing list.

What's the advantage over the bean with the scope=application?


Lev Assinovsky                Peterlink Web
Programmer                    St. Petersburg, Russia
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