On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 10:00, bob mcwhirter wrote:
> I don't mean to get (too) religious or philosophical here, but...
> It seems to me that a ToDo is just a normal Task that is included
> in a particular Release.  Part of project-management is determining
> which things are going into which release.  Instead of maintaining
> a pre-release todo-list and a post-release bag-of-tasks, I think
> having something to assign a task to a release (even a distant
> future release) would make this easier.  Tag things as for-3.5,
> and when you get near the 3.5 release, you already have your
> ToDo list.

That's a good idea, a general task list with various scopes applied over
top of it. I will blatantly steal your idea and put it in Maven :-)
> Also, part of project management is acheiving deadlines, which
> many times means pushing some tasks to a later release.  Instead
> of "oh, we didn't get to that thing, so let's try to remember to
> do it for the next release", you have to explicitly move the task
> from this release to the next.  
> Folks tend to see the bug/task correlation, but fewer see the
> feature/task correlation.  In my mind, at least, neither a Bug
> nor a Feature IS-A Task, but they certainly might initiate
> a Task.  Maybe Bug and Feature IS-A TaskInitiator.
> But, now I'm way off in left field...

No problem, I can still see you :-)
>       -bob
> On 28 Mar 2002, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> > On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 09:35, Marc Saegesser wrote:
> > > We need the 'must have' list of things that have be complete prior to a
> > > release.  You already mentioned the switch to commons-logging.  I'd like to
> > > finish up the test cases for the new HttpMultiClient stuff.
> > 
> > What format were you thinking of presenting the 'must have' todo for a
> > release? I'm thinking about the same thing for Maven right now and I'm
> > trying to come up with a visually appealing format because I need that
> > doc for Maven right now. I was thinking of using some graphics to
> > indicate priority but haven't found any yet.
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Jason van Zyl


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