On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Michael A. Smith wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I would like to propose a new common component, based on code used 
> > in tomcat, avalon and other java servers to work as NT services and unix 
> > daemons. 
> > 
> > The initial code is based on the wrapper project at sourceforge, 
> > and will replace ( and be merged with ) the other components 
> > that duplicate the same functionality ( daemon, jk_nt_service, etc).
> Why based on code from sourceforge?  Why not base it off code that's
> already here?  As in, why not base it off the daemon component that's
> already in the commons sandbox and used by Tomcat 4.0 (that's what the
> daemon proposal states)?  And if you're already going to merge with this
> component, why even propose a new component?  Why not just start merging
> on the daemon component that's already here?

The reason we propose the 'wrapper' is that at this moment it is the 
most advanced. There are at least 5 different codebases implementing
various features - 3 are used in different tomcat versions ( JavaService
and daemon on 4.0, jk_nt_service for 3.x ). In time we'll enhance 
wrapper with features from all those - but the first step is to get 
started, with the codebase that is closest to our goals.

I think code should be evaluated based on its quality, not source - there
are many fine projects at sourceforge and elsewere. 


> Can someone provide more info on the daemon component in the commons
> sandbox and what impact this proposal as on it?  Maybe Remy, 
> Jean-Fredrick, or Pier who are listed as the initial committers for the 
> daemon component (and also listed as initial committers in this proposal)?
> thanks,
> michael
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