on 4/3/02 8:51 AM, "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>  http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/framework/inversion-of-control.html
> I knew that's what the Avalon-ers call it, and that's where the idea came
> from, but I didn't want to stir that up...

Part of the problem with this Avalon design *IMHO* is that you more easily
risk an NPE...for example, in the above URL, it has the following code:

class MyComponent 
    implements Component, LogEnabled
    Logger logger;

    public enableLogging(Logger newLogger)
        this.logger = newLogger;

        logger.info("Hello World!");

Now, if the parent instantiates MyComponent and forgets to call
enableLogging() *before* myMethod() is called, an NPE will be thrown and it
will not be clear as to why that NPE was thrown unless you go and look at
the source code. There is no open coding contract that says that
enableLogging() needs to be called first.

If you don't want the NPE to be thrown, then every time you want to log, you
would have to do something like this:

    if (logger != null)
        logger.info("Hello World!");

A real pain in the ass.

I really don't understand why that is better than the Pull model which would
be more like this:

class MyComponent 
    implements Component, LogEnabled
    private static Logger logger = Log.getLogger();

        logger.info("Hello World!");

Seems so much cleaner of a design to me and it is impossible to get an NPE.


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