On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

> All I want is a base 'commons component' with two interfaces (ok maybe more
> than two - three)
>   o.a.c.genericlog.Log
>   o.a.c.genericlog.LogUser
>   o.a.c.genericlog.LogFactory

You already have 2 of them ( Log and LogFactory). The question about 
LogUser is use case - most people don't think this is a common-enough use
- pushing or replacing the logger in a component, when it's so easy to 
get it and the configuration is done 'behind the scene'

What about 
  o.a.c.logmanager.LogUser - define the interface to be implemented by 
components who want to support setLog()
  o.a.c.logmanager.LogManager - define interface for setting the 
properties if a Log, like level, appenders - the minimal stuff that is 
common to all loggers.
  (maybe few others ).

I would be +0 on this ( I think the push and management APIs should be 
part of c-l itself, not a separate package ).


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