On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

> If all you're talkng about is new interfaces/classes to support the 
> "push" method and this won't affect the "pull" method then why wouldn't 
> you just put them in the existing package?  eh?   How does they're 
> existance hurt me if I chose not to use them?

Again, if anyone feels he's 'hurt' and sends a valid -1 we have to respect
it ( and work around it :-). I don't think the argument 'it will confuse 
people into believing it is mandatory to implement it' is very good,
but that's how apache works.

The initial proposal ( with setLogger) for example 'hurt' few people
( including me ) because it was not clear how it worked and what it did.

The current one - allowing to set a log factory in a component is better.

I think adding a setLogFactory() in the LogFactory to allow 
per/application setting ( with a guard, etc ) would also be good
and easier to use than having a setLogFactory in each component - but
if someone has a use case for that, it doesn't hurt me.


> -Andy
> >On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Michael A. Smith wrote:
> >
> >>this seems contradictory to me.  On one hand you say "no need for another 
> >>package" and on the other "create a package.... would be useful". 
> >>
> >
> >No need for another package with Log interface and pull.
> >Usefull for another package ( if he can't convince those who voted -1 to 
> >switch ) with the push interface and maybe management interfaces.
> >
> >Costin
> >
> >>This seems contradictory again.  "put LogUser in a separate pacakge" and 
> >>"+1 on putting LogUser in o.a.c.l".  Am I missing something?  
> >>
> >
> >He has my +1 for o.a.c.l, but I've seen few -1s around. If he can't 
> >get those changed, a separate package for LogUser is the only solution.
> >
> >
> >>Oh, and "we are all saying - put LogUser in a separate package"?  I'm not.  
> >>If it goes in, I think it should go in the o.a.c.l package.
> >>
> >
> >I agree - if the -1 are changed.
> >
> >If not - a separate package ( i.e. in sandbox - if he can't get it 
> >accepted in o.a.c.l ) is the only solution ( and nobody can stop that ).
> >
> >Costin
> >
> >
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