From: "Jason Horman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am attaching the new and testCmdLineOptions.jelly files. New
> usage will be:
> Usage: jelly [scriptFile] [-script scriptFile -o outputFile
> -Dsysprop=syspropval]
> -script overrides the scriptFile specified. arg[2] = outputFile is
> deprecated.
> Additional command line options are available in jelly scripts by using
> commandLine.getOptionValue(optionName) method. Args is also still
> context.setVariable("args", args);
> context.setVariable("commandLine", cmdLine);
> This change requires commons-lang and commons-cli. I developed this
> the cvs version of CLI which seems to be incompatible with the latest CLI
> binary dist from jakarta. I am attaching the jar of the latest cvs
> BTW, the maven and ant configs of CLI don't work right with the latest
> version of MAVEN.

Great stuff Jason! Many thanks. I've committed all these changes.

FWIW I just tried to build the latest CLI via Maven (b7) and it worked fine.
(I did make one minor patch to a unit test case that wasn't working on
Windows). I've also updated the current commons-cli SNAPSHOT in the Maven

I've added a little target to maven.xml so that you can type...

    maven demo:cmdline

to run your command line Jelly script that demonstrates how to access the
command line options and arguments from inside a Jelly script (using


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